“Frida’s Garden,” a captivating fabric collection that pays homage to the iconic artist Frida Kahlo and her vibrant, emotive paintings, featured in our Summer 2023 Collection

Drawing inspiration from Kahlo’s rich palette and botanical motifs, this collection weaves together a tapestry of bold colours and intricate patterns that echo the lush beauty of Frida’s own garden.

The fabrics showcase a kaleidoscope of floral designs, reminiscent of the surreal and enchanting landscapes often depicted in Kahlo’s works. From passionate reds to serene blues, each fabric in “Frida’s Garden” tells a story, inviting you to immerse yourself in the artistic spirit of Frida Kahlo and add a touch of her magical world to your own creations. Whether you’re a textile enthusiast or an admirer of Kahlo’s artistry, this collection promises to infuse your wardrobe with the essence of Frida’s passion and creativity.